Professional Equipment Calibration for GP Surgeries
We provide a highly professional equipment calibration service, ensuring that all your medical instruments are functioning accurately within specified tolerances.
Regular testing of equipment helps to maintain compliance with healthcare regulations, enhancing patient safety and ensuring the reliability of diagnostic results.
Our testing service covers much of the equipment in common usage at GP surgeries:
Other items which are sent to independent specialist testing facility for calibration:
- 24hr ABPMs
- Blood pressure monitors
- CO monitors
- Defibrillators
- Dopplers
- ECGs
- Nebulisers
- Ophthalmoscopes
- Otoscopes
- Pulse oximeters
- Scales
- Sphygs
- Spirometers and calibration syringes
- Suction units
- Temperature data loggers
- Thermometers
- Vital signs monitor
Other items which are sent to independent specialist testing facility for calibration:
- Cautery units
- Hyfrecators

Our service is tailored to the needs of GP surgeries, with flexible scheduling options:
✔ On-site full-day or half-day calibration – Designed to suit the size and needs of your practice
✔ Comprehensive testing and certification – Ensuring compliance and accuracy
✔ Wide range of devices covered – Including blood pressure monitors, thermometers, weighing scales, spirometers, and more
✔ Minimal disruption – Fast, efficient, and conducted on-site
Carrying out the tests

Using industry-standard testing tools, such as simulators and calibrated weights, we assess each instrument against manufacturer specifications and regulatory requirements.
Each item of equipment will be tested against specified tolerances to ensure accurate functioning and stickered Pass/Fail.
Calibration reports
Upon completion of calibration, our technician will provide you with full test results on each item of equipment, with a handy summary report showing the status of your equipment at a glance. Our technician will also make comments and recommendations, highlighting any items which require immediate attention or consideration.

Click To View Example Report

All our own test equipment is validated at the required intervals by approved calibration centres to maintain performance and ensure complete accuracy.

We offer full day or half day calibration rates, although pricing is normally bespoke to your practice depending on number of items and your location.
If you are interested in our calibration service and would like a quotation or further information, please fill out the form and our friendly team will be happy to assist you in keeping your practice compliant and running smoothly.