Cleaning Your ECG

It is important to clean ECGs regularly as patient contact with contaminated equipment can spread infection. It also provides the opportunity to check for wear and tear on any of the device's components. 


General Rule of Thumb: Only ever clean your ECG with 70% alcohol wipes. 



  • Never immerse or soak any part of the ECGs, screen, cables or connectors in liquid or surface wipe residue as it can seep in and damage the electrics. 

  • Contact of disinfectant solutions and water with metal parts may cause corrosion. 

  • If disinfectant solutions or wipes are ever used, the surface should immediately be wiped clean with a dry cloth or paper towel. 

  • Avoid harsh chemicals like bleach or chlorohexidine wipes which can damage the machine's surface and components. 

Here’s a basic guide on how to clean ECG machines: 

1. Power Off and Unplug 

  • Before cleaning, ensure the ECG machine is turned off and unplugged to avoid electrical hazards. 

2. Cleaning the ECG Machine Surface 

  • Using 70% alcohol surface wipes, gently wipe down the exterior surfaces of the ECG machine, including the screen and keyboard. 

  • The screen is probably the most sensitive area to avoid overly dampening. 

  • Cleaning agents and disinfectants must not be sprayed directly on or into the device. 

3. Cleaning ECG Leads and Connectors 

  • Wipe down the leads and connectors one by one, using 70% alcohol surface wipes. 

  • If the leads are visibly soiled, they may require more thorough cleaning with a dampened cloth and detergent. Immediately wipe dry with a cloth or paper towel. 

  • Do not wipe the metal connectors and clips with anything other than alcohol wipes to prevent corrosion. 

  • Check and remove any electrode adhesive residue from the crocodile clips or connectors as this can interfere with signal quality. 

  • Removing every clip connector from the banana plugs on the end of each lead is also good practice to do a more thorough clean. 


4. Drying 

  • After cleaning, ensure all parts are completely dry before plugging the machine back in and using it. 


Always refer to the manufacturer’s manual for specific cleaning instructions tailored to your ECG model.